Leaf File Upload Link


Leaf's File Upload Link is a widget that allows your customers to upload different machine file formats. These files will then get converted into a consistent output using the Leaf API.

File upload widget

How it works

The user can add files using the file picker from the Browse button or drop files in the Drag & drop zone. Your files must be in a zip file.

During the upload, the users can see the progress of the upload and they are able to cancel the upload process for the pending files.


In addition to being authenticated, you must have at least one Leaf user created. Learn more here.

Get started

1. Sign in with a Leaf account

You will need a Leaf account. If you don't have one yet, you can create it here.

2. Get an access token

To use the widget you will need a Leaf token. Use our authentication guide to know how it works.




Here you can run a live use case demo! It will only be necessary to replace your information in the .html component.

To add this Leaf widget in an Angular application, you can use the @withleaf/leaf-link-angular library, which is a JavaScript library that provides all Leaf UI Widgets. Here are the general steps to get started:

  1. Install the @withleaf/leaf-link-angular package using npm:
npm i @withleaf/leaf-link-angular
  1. Import the library in your component or module file:
import { FileUploadModule } from '@withleaf/leaf-link-angular';
  1. Add the component to the HTML. Make sure you already created the Leaf user API key (apiKey); you need to specify both the Leaf User API Key and the Leaf User ID (leafUser) in the required properties in the HTML component. Check all the properties available on the reference here.
<div class="content" role="main">



Here you can run a live use case demo! It will only be necessary to replace your information in the App.tsx file.

To add this Leaf widget in a React application, you can use the @withleaf/leaf-link-react library, which is a JavaScript library that provides all Leaf UI Widgets. Here are the general steps to get started:

  1. Install the @withleaf.io/leaf-link-react package using npm:
npm i @withleaf/leaf-link-react
  1. Import the component in your *.tsx file:
import { FileUpload } from '@withleaf/leaf-link-react'
  1. Add the component to the *.tsx file. Make sure you already created the Leaf user API key (apiKey); you need to specify both the Leaf User API Key and the Leaf User ID (leafUser) in the required properties in the tsx component. Check all the properties available on the reference here.
function App() {
const IS_DARK_MODE: boolean = true;
const LEAF_USER: string = "Your_Leaf_User";
const API_KEY: string = "Your_API_Key";
const COMPANY_NAME: string = "Your_Company";
const COMPANY_LOGO: string = "Your_Company_Logo";
const FILES_TIME_RANGE: number = 30;
return (


It is valid only for the React version.

Property Overview

apiKeyStringThe authentication API Key
companyLogoUrlStringCustomization: a link to the company logo
companyNameStringCustomization: the name of the company
filesTimeRangeNumberTime to get the historical of uploaded files
isDarkModeBooleanEnables/disables the dark mode
leafUserStringThe Leaf User ID
localeStringForces the widget language
titleStringCustomization: a link to the company logo

Property Details


The apiKey is the authentication key that will allow the use of the widget. It can be created and managed here.


The URL to the company logo. It will be displayed in the landing screen. It can be a PNG, JPEG or SVG.


The company name. It will be displayed in the landing screen and in each reference about the customer.


It sets the interval in days to display files already processed in the past. For example, if set to 30, it will display the list of files sent and processed in the last 30 days.


If set to true, it will enable the widget dark mode.

Dark mode


The Leaf User ID. Check this page for more info about the Leaf User.


By default, the widget sets the language based on the user's browser configuration, but to force a language, use this property with one of the possible values: en_US, pt_BR, es_ES, or fr_FR.


The text to display on the top of the widget.

Hooks Overview

Leaf Link also have hooks that can improve the developer experience when using the widgets.

leafBatchIdsArray<{ batchId: string }>Provide the array with the batchId of the uploaded files

Hooks Details


Provides the array with the batchId for each uploaded file. A new ID is added after each successful upload.

How to use it


Use the getLeafBatchData property to reference a function in your component.


From the component, you can get the leafBatchIds array in the referenced function.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
apiKey: string = 'apiKey';
leafUser: string = 'leafUserId';
companyName: string = 'companyName';
companyLogo: string = 'companyLogo';
yourFunctionNameHere(leafBatchIds: any) {

In the index.tsx will be necessary import the component Leaf.

import { Leaf } from '@withleaf/leaf-link-react';

And this component should be organized like this:

<App />

Additionally, you will need to import the useLeaf function as well:

import { FileUpload, useLeaf } from "@withleaf/leaf-link-react";

So will be necessary adjust the function in the App.tsx file:

function App() {
const IS_DARK_MODE: boolean = true;
const COMPANY_NAME: string = "Your_Company";
const LEAF_USER: string = "Your_Leaf_User_Id";
const API_KEY: string = "Your_API_Key";
const COMPANY_LOGO: string = YourCompanyLogo;
const FILES_TIME_RANGE: number = 30;
const { leafBatchIds } = useLeaf();
useMemo(() => {
}, [leafBatchIds]);

In this example we use the useMemo but you can use another hooks.