Configurations Overview

Leaf's system can be customized to present different behaviors across services and Leaf Users. This is done using Configurations.

All API Owners start with a default configuration set. These configurations can be changed, but they can not be deleted or set to null.

Custom configurations can be set for individual Leaf Users. Configurations set for a Leaf User won't be changed if the API Owner's configurations change. However, if individual Leaf User configurations are not set, they will automatically inherit the API Owner's configurations.

Currently, configurations are available for the following services:

ServiceAvailable configurations
Field Boundary ManagementautomaticFixBoundary, fieldsAttachIntersection, fieldsAutoMerge, fieldsAutoSync, fieldsMergeIntersection
Machine File Conversion cleanupStandardGeojson, generateProviderImages, geoimagesColorRamp, geoimagesProjection, geoimagesResolution, geoimagesShape, originalOperationData, unitMeasurement, enableOutsideFieldGeojson, filesImageAttributeCreation, enableGeoparquetOutput
Field Operations cleanupStandardGeojson, fieldOperationCreation, operationsAutoSync, operationsFilteredGeojson, operationsImageAsGeoTiff, operationsRemoveOutliers, operationsOutliersLimit, operationsMergeRange, operationsMergeRangeHarvested, operationsProcessingRange, splitOperationsByField, splitOperationsByProvider, splitOperationsByTillType, operationsImageCreation, geoimagesColorRamp, geoimagesProjection, geoimagesResolution, geoimagesShape, summarizeByProductEntry, unitMeasurement, enableOutsideFieldGeojson, enableOperationsSession, operationsImageAttributeCreation, enableGeoparquetOutput
Irrigation irrigationProcessingRange
Synchronization organizationDataSync, customDataSync, fieldsAutoSync, operationsAutoSync, implementsAutoSync, machinesAutoSync, operatorsAutoSync, productsAutoSync, zonesAutoSync, syncPartnerData

Field Boundary Management


The default value is false. If set to true, this configuration will attempt to correct invalid geometries obtained from providers. More information here.


Minimum intersection percentage between a field and an operation. An intersection proportion higher than this value will make the operation to be linked to the given field. This property supports a floating point between 0 and 100 percent. The default value is 0.01, which is the smallest number possible of overlap between the fields. Example: Setting this to 1 = 1%, setting this to 0.01 = 0.01%.


Default value is false. When true Leaf will automatically merge fields that pass through the intersection parameter. The merge intersection can be controlled by the fieldsMergeIntersection configuration.


The default value is true. When true, Leaf will automatically synchronize provider's fields. If set to false, synchronizations must be manually requested via endpoint.


Minimum intersection between two fields to merge them. A new field of type MERGED will be created based in the intersection of the fields, while the original fields will be kept for historical purposes but remain inactive. This property supports a floating point between 0 and 100. The default value is 0.01, which is the smallest number possible of overlap between the fields.

Machine File Conversion


If set to true, Leaf will automatically remove invalid points from the standardGeoJSON file. The default value is true.


If set to true, Leaf will generate property images for files fetched from providers. Uploaded files are not affected by this change. The default value is false.
Not to be confused with operationsImageCreation, which is specifically for Field Operations.


All geoimage configurations are for V1 images only. We recommend using V2 for the best quality.


The color ramp to be used when generating images of operations. It's a map from a percentage value to a list containing a color in RGB or RGBA. The last entry in the map must contain a value for the nv key, mapping to the color for null values. The default value is

"0%" : [200, 0, 0],
"35%" : [255, 40, 0],
"45%" : [255, 150, 0],
"55%" : [255, 240, 0],
"65%" : [ 0, 230, 0],
"75%" : [ 0, 190, 0],
"100%": [ 0, 130, 0],
"nv" : [ 0, 0, 0, 0]

This configuration has no effect over the Field Operations Images V2 output.


Projection to be used when generating images of operations. It can assume the values EPSG:3857 and EPSG:4326. The default value is EPSG:3857.


This configuration has no effect over the Field Operations Images V2 output.


Resolution of the generated images of operations. The default value is 0.00001 degrees.


This configuration has no effect over the Field Operations Images V2 output.


Shape of points to be used when generating images of operations. It can assume the values ROUND and SQUARE. The default value is SQUARE.


This configuration has no effect over the Field Operations Images V2 output.


If set to true, it will add some non Leaf-standard properties to the File summary, such as the field name and the type of the operation, as described originally by the provider. It is not applicable to the standard GeoJSON file or the Field Operation summary.
The default value is false.

"originalOperationData": {
"originalOperationFarm": "Farm Green",
"originalOperationField": "Field A",
"originalOperationGrower": "Grower",
"originalOperationType": "SowingAndPlanting"


Defines the unit of measurement of the summary, standardGeoJSON, and filteredGeoJSON for the Machine Files and Field Operations services. It supports METRIC, IMPERIAL, and DEFAULT - that not standardize the units and keep them as available in the files/provider (this is the default value).

The units for each option available can be found on the Units of Measurement page.


See this section for more information


Customizes the images available for each property of operation files. To enable the generation of an image, set the value true to the desired property. By default, all images are disabled (false). The options available are:

"filesImageAttributeCreation": {
"harvested": {
"area": false,
"distance": false,
"elevation": false,
"equipmentWidth": false,
"harvestMoisture": false,
"wetMass": false,
"wetMassPerArea": false,
"wetVolume": false,
"wetVolumePerArea": false,
"dryMass": false,
"dryMassPerArea": false,
"dryVolume": false,
"dryVolumePerArea": false,
"speed": false,
"heading": false,
"cropFlow": false,
"proteinPercentage": false,
"fuelRate": false,
"fuelUsed": false
"planted": {
"heading": false,
"distance": false,
"elevation": false,
"seedRate": false,
"area": false,
"equipmentWidth": false,
"speed": false,
"seedRateTarget": false,
"seedDepth": false,
"fuelRate": false,
"fuelUsed": false,
"downForce": false,
"singulation": false
"applied": {
"heading": false,
"distance": false,
"elevation": false,
"appliedRate": false,
"area": false,
"equipmentWidth": false,
"speed": false,
"appliedRateTarget": false,
"fuelRate": false,
"fuelUsed": false
"tillage": {
"area": false,
"heading": false,
"distance": false,
"elevation": false,
"equipmentWidth": false,
"tillageDepthTarget": false,
"speed": false,
"tillageDepthActual": false,
"fuelRate": false,
"fuelUsed": false


If enabled, the vector point files like the StandardGeoJSON, will be available as GeoParquet additionally to the GeoJSON. The GeoParquet file will contain the same data, benefiting from faster processing and reduced storage costs. Once enabled it will create the GeoParquet from the point in time it is set to true (not historical data). The default is false.

Field Operations

These configurations can be enabled with the use of Leaf Field Operations. This requires an active boundary to be present so Leaf can merge the machine files and create a Field Operation.


See this section for more information


If set to true, Leaf will aggregate products with the same name and display only one entry per product in the summary. area and totalApplied will be aggregated by the sum and the rate by the average. This config is only for applied data. The default value is false.


Enables the creation of Field Operations. The default is true.


If set to true, Leaf will automatically synchronize provider's operations. The default value is true.


Enables the option to clear Field Operations data based on some filter options. Also enables the use of operations images V2. The default is false.


If set to true, Leaf will generate the images of operations in the GeoTIFF format too. The data can be accessed in this endpoint. The default value is false.


This configuration has effect only in the Field Operations Images V2 output.


If enabled, it will remove points in the filteredGeojson based on harvest values so it is only applied to harvest type operations. The outliers will be defined based on the operationsOutliersLimit configuration. The default value is true.

More info here.


To use this option, operationsFilteredGeojson must be enabled.


Sets the threshold for removing outliers when the operationsRemoveOutliers configuration is enabled. The defined value will be considered to measure how many standard deviations will be considered as outliers. The default value is 3 which means that all points with harvested volume values ​​that are more than 3 standard deviations away from the mean will be removed.

More info here.


Range used to consider if files are part of the same operation. Default value is 5 days.


Range used to consider if harvest files are part of the same operation. Default value is 21 days.


The retroactive period (in months) to fetch file operations from providers. The default is 12 so only operations that were created or updated within the past 12 months will be processed by Leaf.


If set to true, Leaf will split your Field Operations based on the intersection of each Leaf Field Boundary. The default value is false.


If set to true, files will be filtered by provider in addition to the field, operation type, crop and date interval to create operations. If set to false, operations will be created regardless of the source provider. The default value is false.


If set to true, it will separate tillage operations by the tillType property, generating different Field Operations for each different existing tillage type. The default value is false.


If set to true, Leaf will generate images of operations when processing them. If set to false, Leaf won't create the images. The default value is false.


This configuration has no effect over the Field Operations Images V2 output.


See this section for more information


See this section for more information


See this section for more information


See this section for more information


See this section for more information


Machine files can have points outside the field boundaries, these points are normally discarded when creating a Field Operation with the splitOperationsByField configuration enabled. If set to true, this configuration will allow fetch the points, for each machine file, not considered in any Field Operation for a Leaf user. The default value is false. A list of all files with points outside boundaries can be fetched using the outsideFieldGeoJSON endpoint.


If set to true, it enables a new view of the field operation data, compiled by operator, implement and machines used in the operation. The information can be accessed in the field operation session endpoint. The default is false.


Customizes the images available for each property of Field Operations. To enable the generation of an image, set the value true to the desired property. By default, all images are disabled (false). The options available are:

"operationsImageAttributeCreation": {
"harvested": {
"area": false,
"distance": false,
"elevation": false,
"equipmentWidth": false,
"harvestMoisture": false,
"wetMass": false,
"wetMassPerArea": false,
"wetVolume": false,
"wetVolumePerArea": false,
"dryMass": false,
"dryMassPerArea": false,
"dryVolume": false,
"dryVolumePerArea": false,
"speed": false,
"heading": false,
"cropFlow": false,
"proteinPercentage": false,
"fuelRate": false,
"fuelUsed": false
"planted": {
"heading": false,
"distance": false,
"elevation": false,
"seedRate": false,
"area": false,
"equipmentWidth": false,
"speed": false,
"seedRateTarget": false,
"seedDepth": false,
"fuelRate": false,
"fuelUsed": false,
"downForce": false,
"singulation": false
"applied": {
"heading": false,
"distance": false,
"elevation": false,
"appliedRate": false,
"area": false,
"equipmentWidth": false,
"speed": false,
"appliedRateTarget": false,
"fuelRate": false,
"fuelUsed": false
"tillage": {
"area": false,
"heading": false,
"distance": false,
"elevation": false,
"equipmentWidth": false,
"tillageDepthTarget": false,
"speed": false,
"tillageDepthActual": false,
"fuelRate": false,
"fuelUsed": false


See this section for more information



The retroactive time period (in months) to fetch irrigation activities from providers. The default is 12 so only irrigation data that occurred 12 months ago to present will be processed by Leaf.



If set to ALL, Leaf will fetch and process data from all organizations within the provider account. If set to SELECTED_ONLY, Leaf will only fetch and process data from the organizations were the organization status has been set to SELECTED. Setting the status of an organization is done using the Organization Sync endpoints. The dafault value is ALL.


If set to true, Leaf will fetch shared/partner data from John Deere and AgLeader shared accounts that have granted the required permissions. If set to false, only the directly connected account data will be fetched, even if the permissions allow access to shared data/organizations. The default value is true.


If set to true, the field boundaries will be partially obtained in PREVIEW mode. This prevents all provider fields from being fetched, allowing later selection of fields that will be fetched completely. For some providers, it will also affect the operation files associated with those fields. The default value is false. Once the config is set from true to false, the Fields fetched from a Leaf User can be PROCESSED using the Manual Sync endpoint.


If set to true, Leaf will automatically synchronize provider's fields. If set to false, synchronizations must be manually requested via endpoint. The default value is true.


If set to true, Leaf will automatically synchronize provider's operations. The default value is true.


If set to true, Leaf will automatically synchronize provider's implements. The default value is false.


If set to true, Leaf will automatically synchronize provider's machines. The default value is false.


If set to true, Leaf will automatically synchronize provider's operators. The default value is false.


If set to true, Leaf will automatically fetch John Deere inputs/products. The default value is false.


If set to true, Leaf will automatically synchronize provider's zones. The default value is false.