General Setup Information


All endpoints that return a list of resources are paginated. You can select the size of the page and which page to get by using the query parameters size and page.

  • size - Defines the size of the page. Defaults to 20. Max size is 100.
  • page - Defines which page to fetch, considering each page has size elements. The first page is page 0. Defaults to 0.

The X-Total-Count header in the response indicate the total existent items, and the Link header can provide the link for the first, next and last pages available:


Date format

All the dates follow ISO 8601 format. Specifically, all the dates should be in the format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'".

File archiving

By default, our API archives files to slower storage after 180 days of no access. The file will only be available again upon a support request.

Error codes

ServiceEndpointMessageHTTP StatusReason
Field OperationsUpload a fileBad Request400The uploaded file is bigger than 3 GB

Downloading files from Leaf

To provide greater security all files provided by Leaf must be accessed using your Leaf token.


Unauthenticated or direct to S3 download links will be deprecated on December 1st, 2024. We strongly recommended that you use the authenticated download links which can be identified with the prefix download- and which point to

Authentication sample

curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN' \